Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Program Synopsis

The objectives of the Master of Business Administration are to:

1. Enhance your managerial competences and add value on current managerial knowledge

2. Sharpen your analytical and conceptual skills, and

3. Improve your employability and managerial career development.

In the hyper-competitive business environment coupled with rapid changes in the socio economic and political scenario and fast technological developments, business organizations' survival kit is to ensure that it has creative and innovative people who are dedicated and committed towards excellence.

'Le Prix d'Excellence' implies that you need a pool of talented personnel with the cutting edge knowledge and competences to cope with the pressing demands of managerial work.

The OUM MBA provides you the opportunity to enhance your managerial skills and competences without sacrificing your professional and career development.

The MBA programme is designed to enhance the managerial skills and capability in managing organizations efficiently and effectively.

Program Structure

Course Title Course Code Prerequisite Credit Hour
Managerial Economics Core 3
Organization & Business Management Core 3
Accounting for Business Decision Making Core 3
Marketing Management Core 3
Managerial Finance Core 3
Business Law Core 3
Organizational Behaviour Core 3
Business Research Method Core 3
Information Technology for Managers Core 3
Strategic Management Core Accounting for Business Decision/ Making Manageria 3
Marketing Specialization
Finance Specialization
Islamic Finance Specialization
Human Resource Management Specialization
Entrepreneurship Specialization
General Management Specialization
Project Work I Specialized Project Work 3
Project Work II Specialized Project Work 3