pioneering multiple degree

AIT encourages its students to pursue more than one certificate/diploma or degree program at a time. It is possible for students on a particular course to also in parallel register for an allied program and through hard work will be able to graduate with say two degrees in four or at most five years of study at AIT.

For example, it will be possible for a student doing a degree program in Computer Science to also pursue in parallel a degree in Computer Engineering. Giving another example, a student can simultaneously pursue a certificate/diploma or degree program in say Telecommunications Engineering and Electronic Engineering.

We also encourage our students to take relevant professional certification courses in their field while pursuing their degree program at AIT. For example, students studying for their Computer Science or IT degree will be encouraged to take professional certification examinations like: Computer+/A+, Network+/Networking+, CCNA/CCNP, Microsoft Certifications, Oracle Certification among others.

Our students are encouraged to use the vast leaning resources of AIT- Online to, if they so wished pursue independent studies that could lead to getting multiple degrees, diplomas or certificate from AIT.


AIT does recognize that the accelerating pace of technological change is having a major impact on university education, including altering and influencing how students, faculty, and staff interact.

Students are expected to interact with their peers and with faculty 24/7 (24 hours/7 days a week) and to have immediate access to digital resources, instructional technology, and interactive learning and education.

Learning that was once closely held in designated spaces now becomes available from any location where there is computer access.

AIT is pioneering open university education in Ghana and in the West African sub-region as part of its mission to broaden access to affordable quality higher education.

This is in-line with our goal to be at the forefront of transforming Ghana into a higher education hub for the West African sub-region.


This online facility provides our students access to over 10,000 e-learning resources including: e-lessons, e-books, multimedia, learning resources, e-courses, e-learning and training materials research resources, educational resources, video clips, text books, life-long learning resources, lecture notes and handouts.

The AITOnline facility also hosts systems that provides our students with unlimited access to e-books and other learning resources to support the entire academic and the professional level training programs of the University.

Non-AIT students and learners access the e-learning resources of AIT Online through paid- subscription.

practical industrial experience

All undergraduate degree programs at AIT have supervised industrial attachment (internship) as a mandatory component of each program. Students spend the summer months after completing their 3rd Year on industrial attachment/internship.

The emphasis is on gaining practical industry-based experience. The industrial placement of our students are done by the University to ensure that students are

placed in organizations and establishments whose core business are of relevant to the degree specialization of the student.

Each industrial attachment student is supervised by an industrial supervisor (at his/her place of work) and by an academic supervisor from the University. Students are awarded credits for their entire industrial attachment work and this count towards their degree. Students who fail the industrial attachment component of their program cannot graduate.


Inspiring Innovation

To provide avenues for on-the-job practical experience and work-study programs for our students, AIT operates a number of On-Campus Business Units and Industrial Facilities.

Our students gain work experience and practical skills working in these facilities. The Industrial and Technological Parks and facilities also provide avenues for commercialization of the outputs of R&D and industrial research work of our faculty and students.

Our students on work-study programs apart from gaining practical and work experience earn income to support their education at AIT.